My Show List

Air Date Show Name Epis# Episode Title
Season 1
10-Jan-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E01 Beginnings
17-Jan-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E02 Wembley and the Gorgs
24-Jan-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E03 Let the Water Run
31-Jan-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E04 You Can't Do That Without a Hat
07-Feb-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E05 The Thirty-Minute Work Week
14-Feb-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E06 The Preachification of Convincing John
21-Feb-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E07 I Want to Be You
28-Feb-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E08 The Terrible Tunnel
07-Mar-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E09 The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles
14-Mar-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E10 Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk
21-Mar-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E11 Catch the Tail by the Tiger
28-Mar-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E12 The Finger of Light
04-Apr-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E13 We Love You, Wembley
11-Apr-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E14 The Challenge
18-Apr-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E15 I Don't Care
25-Apr-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E16 Capture the Moon
02-May-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E17 Marooned
09-May-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E18 The Minstrels
16-May-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E19 The Great Radish Famine
23-May-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E20 The Garden Plot
30-May-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E21 Gobo's Discovery
06-Jun-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E22 Mokey's Funeral
13-Jun-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E23 The Beast of Bluerock
04-Jul-1983 Fraggle Rock S01E24 New Trash Heap in Town
Season 2
02-Jan-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E01 Wembley's Egg
09-Jan-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E02 Boober Rock
16-Jan-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E03 The Trash Heap Dosen't Live Here Anymore
23-Jan-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E04 Red's Sea Monster
30-Jan-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E05 Uncle Matt Comes Home
06-Feb-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E06 Boober's Dream
13-Feb-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E07 Mokey and the Minstrels
20-Feb-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E08 All Work and All Play
27-Feb-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E09 Sir Hubris and the Gorgs
05-Mar-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E10 A Friend in Need
12-Mar-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E11 The Wizard of Fraggle Rock
19-Mar-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E12 The Doozer Contest
26-Mar-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E13 Red's Club
02-Apr-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E14 The Secret of Convincing John
09-Apr-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E15 Manny's Land of Carpets
16-Apr-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E16 Junior Sells the Farm
23-Apr-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E17 Fraggle Wars
30-Apr-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E18 The Day the Music Died
07-May-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E19 Doomsday Soup
14-May-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E20 A Cave of One's Own
21-May-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E21 Wembley and the Great Race
28-May-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E22 Doozer Is as Doozer Does
04-Jun-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E23 Boober's Quiet Day
11-Jun-1984 Fraggle Rock S02E24 The Invasion of the Toe Ticklers
Season 3
24-Dec-1984 Fraggle Rock S03E01 The Bells of Fraggle Rock
07-Jan-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E02 Red-Handed and Invisible Thief
14-Jan-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E03 Boober and the Glob
21-Jan-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E04 The Grapes of Generosity
28-Jan-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E05 Blanket of Snow, Blanket of Woe
04-Feb-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E06 Pebble Pox Blues
11-Feb-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E07 Home Is Where the Trash Is
18-Feb-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E08 Believe It or Not
25-Feb-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E09 Wembley and the Mean Genie
04-Mar-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E10 The Secret Society of Poohbahs
11-Mar-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E11 The Beanbarrow, the Burden, and the Bright Bouquet
18-Mar-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E12 Gobo's School for Explorers
25-Mar-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E13 Scared Silly
01-Apr-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E14 The Great Radish Caper
08-Apr-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E15 Born to Wander
15-Apr-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E16 The Battle of Leaking Roof
22-Apr-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E17 Playing Till It Hurts
29-Apr-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E18 Bored Stiff
06-May-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E19 The Cavern of Lost Dreams
13-May-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E20 The Incredible Shrinking Mokey
20-May-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E21 A Dark and Stormy Night
27-May-1985 Fraggle Rock S03E22 Gunge the Great and Glorious
Season 4
06-Jan-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E01 Sprocket's Big Adventure
13-Jan-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E02 Wembley's Wonderful Whoopie Water
20-Jan-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E03 Sidebottom Blues
27-Jan-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E04 Uncle Matt's Discovery
03-Feb-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E05 Junior Faces the Music
10-Feb-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E06 A Tune for Two
17-Feb-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E07 The Perfect Blue Rollie
24-Feb-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E08 A Brush with Jealousy
03-Mar-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E09 Wembley's Flight
10-Mar-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E10 Red's Blue Dragon
17-Mar-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E11 Wonder Mountain
24-Mar-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E12 Space Frog Follies
31-Mar-1986 Fraggle Rock S04E13 Boober Gorg
Season 5
05-Jan-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E01 Mirror, Mirror
12-Jan-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E02 The Riddle of Rhyming Rock
19-Jan-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E03 The Voice Inside
26-Jan-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E04 The Trial of Cotterpin Doozer
02-Feb-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E05 The River of Life
09-Feb-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E06 Beyond the Pond
16-Feb-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E07 Gone But Not Forgotten
23-Feb-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E08 Mokey, Then and Now
02-Mar-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E09 Ring Around the Rock
09-Mar-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E10 Inspector Red
16-Mar-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E11 The Gorg Who Would Be King
23-Mar-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E12 The Honk of Honks
30-Mar-1987 Fraggle Rock S05E13 Change of Address

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